Teeth Whitening In Brighton, MI

What Are The Benefits Of Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a fast, affordable, and convenient way to remove stains and enhance your smile. If you have tooth stains and discoloration, teeth whitening can also help improve your confidence, make you look younger, and make you feel more proud of your appearance. Contact Bright Dentistry for a cosmetic consultation in Brighton today, and see if teeth whitening is right for you.

before and after teeth whitening

Did you know…

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Dental work like crowns and veneers can't Be Whitened since they don’t react to the chemicals that whiten your natural teeth.

Do You need Your Teeth Whitened?

Call (810) 626-5662 today!

What To Expect From At-Home Teeth Whitening

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Initial Consultation

To begin the process, you’ll meet with Dr. Jennifer Aminlari for a cosmetic consultation. She will discuss all of your options for improving your smile, including teeth whitening. She will also perform an oral exam to ensure that your mouth is healthy enough for cosmetic dentistry treatment.

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Fitting For
Whitening Trays

If you’re approved for treatment, Dr. Aminlari will take molds of your teeth. These will be sent to a dental lab. This lab will build a set of reusable whitening trays that are customized to fit over your teeth perfectly.

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Picking Up Trays & Whitener

Once your trays arrive at Bright Dentistry, you’ll come pick them up from Dr. Aminlari. You’ll also get a set of whitening products and instructions on how to use them.

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Whitening Your Teeth At Home

Just follow Dr. Aminlari’s instructions and use your whitening products to enhance your smile at home. Most people whiten their teeth for about an hour a day, and see maximum results within three weeks.

Teeth Whitening Options We Offer

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At-Home Teeth Whitening

At-home whitening is a great way to enhance your smile. With a professional at-home whitening kit, you can get results that are identical to in-office whitening, while spending less time in the dentist’s chair. Instead, you can treat yourself in the comfort of your own home. This makes at-home whitening a particularly great option for patients with busy schedules.

Another great benefit of at-home whitening is that it offers slightly more gradual results. Your teeth will be just as bright as they would be with in-office whitening, but they're whitened more slowly over time. This means it’s less obvious that you’ve had your teeth whitened, which some patients prefer.

Did you know…

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Teeth whitening can last last up to 3 Years with proper care

Have Questions About Teeth Whitening? Get Answers Here.

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Can Teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth?

Professional at-home teeth whitening from Bright Dentistry will not harm your teeth in any way. Our Brighton dentist will give you all of the products you need to use your whitening trays safely, and to get the best results.

However, DIY at-home whitening with over-the-counter products can damage your teeth and gums, in some cases. Some DIY whitening kits have very strong levels of peroxide (whitener). If you overuse them or use them incorrectly, these could cause damage to your teeth and gums. That’s just another reason that you should come to Bright Dentistry for professional whitening, rather than trying to whiten your teeth on your own.

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Does Teeth Whitening Cause Sensitivity?

Teeth whitening typically does cause sensitivity during treatment. However, this will go away within a few days after you’re done whitening your teeth. Avoiding hot and cold foods/drinks, using Sensodyne or a similar anti-sensitivity toothpaste, and taking over-the-counter pain medication like Tylenol can help with this.

If you have naturally sensitive teeth, make sure to tell Dr. Aminlari before you have your teeth whitened. She may be able to adjust your whitening treatment to reduce sensitivity and help you get the care you need with less discomfort.

Did you know…

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Cosmetic dentistry can make it easier to take care of your smile.